Holistic Customer Experience (CX) Freelance & Coaching for Marginalized Entrepreneurs

The World's Changing Quickly...

Structural changes continue erupting beneath our feet. Forcefully. 

And as a marginalized leader,  you need and deserve personalized support to navigate these changes along with all the "usual" challenges inherent to building a newer business and in an environment with deeply embedded and normalized threads of racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, and self- and other- exploitation.

Let us help you.

Specialized Support for Marginalized Leaders

As a marginalized leader, you face a mountain of unique challenges in our current business landscape. Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (JEDI) is central to BIPOC-CX, to support you in confronting & challenging them. 

Early Stage Support

Being early-stage comes with specific challenges. We help you navigate these by offering active & researched allyship & validation; structured support, and a hefty dose of "your ancestors' blood & power courses through your veins... let's crush this".

Integrated Customer Experience (CX)

We help enhance your interactions with customers & drive long-term loyalty by infusing your structures, values, & norms with empathy & JEDI. We help you create spaces for humans to be seen & valued as human, & let that speak for itself.

The Big Picture

Things like great Employee Experience are *crucial* to great CX, and we make space for this in our consultations.

We help you plan for the bigger picture of what it takes to create a great client experience, top-to-bottom.