1-1 Coaching

BIPOC-CX offers one-on-one coaching for marginalized business owners who...

Seek support in finding, serving, and keeping great, aligned clients while being authentically themselves (no masks, no gimmicks).

You want to know how to find clients that feel like the right fit for your business; and you seek support in creating a great customer journey to cultivate a positive experience for them throughout their time with you such that they'll more likely become long-time clients and provide great referrals.

Who want to create a great business experience for themselves, their team, their clients, their partners. Win-Win-Win. Always.

You don't buy the BS. You know your wellbeing is intimately tied with my own, and when you do well, I do well. And vice versa. And you know this applies to your team, your clients, your partners, everyone. You want everyone connected to your business to feel human. And you want support in working to do just that.

Who want their businesses to mean something to the world, and don't want to recreate the same problems present across the world of work.

You see what's happening in the world around us, and you want to slip away from the pressure to continue with "business as usual". You want your work, your business, your services and products, you want it all to contribute towards positive change amidst so much chaos, corruption, and change.

Who want support in identifying their socialized limiting beliefs as leaders and entrepreneurs (and just, as marginalized humans), and seek guidance/cheering/support in transforming them.

We've all been socialized to be small, to be silent, to second-guess ourselves. It served those corruptly in power to remain so. We carry the legacy of that not just in our beliefs from this present life, but in our beliefs and even in our DNA from generations past. And, yet, we will continue to pull out the poison, and as our ancestors... we will turn it into gold. Because we must. Because the earth's had enough, just like us.

Who want to help create more spaces for safety and authenticity in the world, because they know it's needed.

Look around, what do we need? At its core, it all boils down to safety. Safety to exist as whole human beings that don't require masks or hidden crevices of society (or dumb luck) to survive. Safety to create the new without worrying that the old will come knocking violently in protest of change. Safety to innovate from a space of genuine heart and true critical thinking. Safety to challenge what must be challenged. Safety to just exist. Can we just exist? Yes, and it's up to us to create those safe spaces in partnership with each other, and protect and guard them as sacred.