About the Founder

Hi! I'm Amparo, and I'm the founder of BIPOC-CX & Astekah Coaching. Who am I? I'll start with the personal so you can get to know me a little as a human, first. 

I'm a walking contradiction, as I'm sure you are.  

I'm a community-oriented Mexican in as much as I'm an individualistic American. 

I grew up in the hood and very bluntly have no space in my life for bullsh!ters, cover-their-a$$ers, or the ill-intended.

But I'm also a softie who adores watching indie romance and superhero films, dissecting deep social commentary, and regularly losing myself in the wonders of the universe.

I love peace and meditative moments as much as I do excitement and spontaneous adventure. 

I adore traversing nature as much as I do city blocks.

I'm delicate and sensitive, but I'm also ardent and fiery.

I'm a modern woman trained by ancestral mages.

It is these seeming contradictions that make up the summary of who I am: soft and strong, logical and intuitive, peaceful and revolutionary - all at the same time. 

I'm proud of this balance. I think the world could use more of it in self and others.

So that's a bit of who I am personally. Who am I professionally?

I've been a working professional for almost 20 years and in that time I've been a social justice event organizer, a DEI project manager, a life & business coach, a business owner, a business leader, and more.

I made the transition to Customer Experience and Customer Success about 6 years ago and in that time, I've established a track record of developing strong, long-lasting, and fruitful partnerships - all through the power of empathy, good planning, and constant questioning.

I get to know my clients as humans, first, and then diligently set them up for success. As I do for my team, my company, and all other involved-parties. 

"Win-Win-Win" is how I lead my professional and personal life.

I'm a fierce defender of the underdog and the vulnerable, and that plays strongly into who I am as a professional and as a business owner. I will always seek to provide a voice for the voiceless, having been voiceless many times myself.

I believe in creating services and products and systems that provide deep value stemming from authentic listening and constant deconstruction and evolution.  I believe there is no point to a product or service if it's not of service. 

I believe we need to be willing to break things in order to build better ones. I believe everyone needs an empathic, heart-centered challenger on their side to point out what they can't see. 

I believe it takes a wise leader to admit they need it because they can't see everything

I've won awards for my work in organizations, spoken live in front of large crowds, and helped set up a Foundation. 

At times, what I've done is "impressive" by societal standards, but that's not how I see it. I'm uncomfortable with the cultural demand to spotlight and talk endlessly about what separates us by putting us "above" others. I act for the sake of the action, itself, and the impact - not for accolades, rewards, validation or worth. 

Some mistake this for low self-esteem in this world that's trained to see boastfulness as confidence, and confidence as proof of talent. Rather, it stems from my deeply fulfilling connection to my own heart, mind and soul, and the earth and cosmos, itself. And if you're here... you might be that way, too :).